Vigicultures observation protocol for maize

Vigicultures ® observation protocol for maize (Arvalis-Institut du végétal)

This protocol presents methods for monitoring of diseases and animal pests on maize, at the field scale.

The following pests are observed (different levels and methods of observation are sometimes used for one given pest):

  • European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis)
  • Stem borer (Sesamia nonagrioides)
  • Corn earworm (Helicoverpa armigera)
  • Leaf bligt of maize
  • Fusarium ear rot


Vigicultures ® is a user-friendly and quick information system on pest pressure created by four French technical institutes: Arvalis-Institut du végétal (cereals, legume crops, potato, maize, fodder crops), CETIOM (oleaginous crops), ITB (sugar beet, fodder beet) and ITL (flax).
The objectives of the system are a real-time identification and monitoring of the pests, an evaluation of the risks for the crops and information allowing farmers and field operators to target crop protection interventions. Information is collected according to harmonised protocols by observers belonging to regional networks, and stored in a database. The information is used in the agricultural advertisements “Bulletin de Santé du Vegetal” (plant health reports).
The protocol presented here is used for data collection at the local level.

Authors: JB Thibord, N Robin, Ph Crosson, J Lorgeou (controlled by D Simonneau).