Platform use guideline

Platform use guideline

This section presents recommendations to use the QuantiPest platform.

Navigation path and navigation tree:

The navigation on the QuantiPest platform is possible by clicking:

    On one of the "Sections" fields in the navigation menu on the left of the page. You then choose the content (see the "Read more" field below the "Sections" field) you are interested in, and progress through the navigation tree until you find the page you are looking for.
    On one of the levels of the access path at the top of the page: Home page> QuantiPest presentation > Platform use guideline > Navigating on the platform.

To go back to the home page, click on "Home page" in the upper left corner.
The different sections of QuantiPest:

1) References and tools for pest and pest injury identification

The aim of this section is to gather the relevant information at the international level and to organise it so that it will be easy to use in order to identify a given pest, or to identify pest injuries for a given crop.

2) Methods and tools to quantify pest populations and injuries due to pests

The aim of this section is to provide protocols and methods for quantification of pests and pest injuries and to help identify the ones which are best suited for a given objective.

3) Methods and tool to help design sampling strategies to characterise pest pressures

When characterising pest pressure, experimenters need help to design sampling strategies that are adapted to their objectives. A number of methodological studies have been conducted and published and could be shared on the platform. In addition to helping identify the relevant published material, this section also contains methodological tools.

4) Training programs

This section provides a list of existing computer-aided training programs developed on QuantiPest.
This section also provides a methodological support for any group of scientists within the ENDURE network who would be willing to develop computer aided-training programs to help characterise pest population or pest injuries.

5) Search or contribution to a documentary database

Soon available, this section will include a large database of relevant information related to pest characterisation. It can be browsed by keywords.
Searching information
A search engine is available on all the pages of the platform, in the top navigation section.
To make a request, please enter one keyword or an exact expression in the dedicated space and click on "OK" at the right of the field.

Results are available by clicking on the links listed.

Using the training programs

To choose a training program, go to the Training programs section of QuantiPest.

Two sorts of evaluation modes are accessible: “Assessment in expert mode” and “Assessment in step mode”. In the expert mode you have to answer all the questions one after another. In the step mode, the right answer and explainations of your potential error are given after each question. Select one mode.
Answer the questions of the training program. When you have finished, you will access an evaluation of your results.
In the case of a training program based on categories (severity classes...), this evaluation is made by category  so that you can see which categories you have a good knowledge of. You can then go on training on this basis, with a focus on the categories you do not control yet.
Your global score and  a global appreciation are indicated at the top of the page. You then see the details of your answers to each question, and the details of your score for each category. Depending to the training programs Graphs by category and one global graph allow you to visualise your results.

Dont hesitate to contact us if you are interested by this functionality and you want to use it in order to develop your own training program!